Quantitative Impact of Burnout

Burnout is often discussed in qualitative terms, but its quantitative impact is equally alarming. The numbers reveal a stark reality of shortages and economic costs. What do these statistics tell us, and why is it crucial to address burnout now?

Shortages in Healthcare:

The U.S. is predicted to face a shortage of up to 94,000 physicians by 2025 due to burnout. Similarly, many nurses are considering leaving the profession, with 62% of acute care nurses believing the pandemic will shorten their careers. These shortages will significantly impact patient care and access to healthcare.

Economic Costs:

Burnout leads to increased turnover, reduced productivity, and higher healthcare costs. The loss of experienced professionals and the need for recruiting and training new staff can be costly. Organizations also face higher rates of absenteeism and decreased employee engagement.


The quantitative impact of burnout is clear and alarming. By understanding the numbers, we can see the urgent need for action to address burnout, support healthcare professionals, and ensure the sustainability of our healthcare systems.


Burnout for Beginners


Surgeon General's Warning on Burnout