What is moral distress?
What is Moral Distress?
Moral Distress occurs when we
take an action or witness an action
that violates our personal values.
In 1984, Andrew Jameton defined “moral distress” as a phenomenon in which one knows the right action to take, but is constrained from taking it.
Veteran's Affairs (VA) psychiatrist Jonathan Shay coined the term “moral injury” in the 1990s.
The VA says that moral injury can occur in response to acting or witnessing behaviors that go against an individual's values and moral beliefs.
👉Ex. 1: A healthcare leader advocates for or approves a zero visitor policy, resulting in loved ones being separated at the time of death.
Being required to abide by that policy without the authority to override it
👉Ex. 2: A bedside nurse is required to do CPR for a patient she knows is not going to survive. The physical experience violates her values of allowing a peaceful death.
🫵What examples would come to mind for you?
#moraldistress #moralinjury #healthcareworkerburnout