How to Visit the Hospital (always do this)

Always do this when you visit the hospital

Keep it Private

Not only does HIPAA federal law prevent you from sharing protected health information, but it’s also a matter of respect

I’m sorry to say that I have often heard leaders tell very intimate details about a person’s health when they should have kept it private. 

Better yet, ask the person or family member:

  1. If they want their team at work to be updated on their health

  2. If they want to be placed on a prayer line

  3. How they feel about others knowing

  4. If the information is public (on social media, etc.).

Treat their information like you would the news that a woman is pregnant

It’s her news to share with whom she so desires and when she desires to share it. 

Patients deserve the same treatment. 

Don’t take that right away from them.

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