Phase Three

Phase Three - it’s time to change the conversation.

In previous newsletters, we talked about Phase One (primarily focused on the future), and Phase Two (working hard to overcome present difficulties). 

But the cliches of Phase One and Two don’t work for people in Phase Three. In Phase Three we face difficulties that cannot be overcome. In Phase Three finding meaning is what matters most.

Phase One is about Plans.                                                                          

Phase Two is about Overcoming.

Phase Three is about Meaning.

Think about how you felt at the last funeral you attended. Or when someone close to you died. This isn’t difficult for me. This photo was taken at my Father In Law's funeral, in May 2021. Dan was a beloved husband, father, papaw, teacher, and coach. Here he is surrounded by his wife of 46 years and his seven children. 

My focus wasn’t on making plans for the future or getting stronger by overcoming that devastating loss-we never will overcome it this side of Heaven. My focus was on what mattered to Dan, in his life and death, and those closest to him, including my wife and my children. 

99% of our life experiences are in Phases One and Two.

But to a griever, 100% of life feels like Phase Three.

This is why the conversation needs to change in Phase Three. For guidance and practical advice on how to do this well, pick up How to Talk With Sick, Dying, and Grieving People today! 


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Phase Two