I quit!
📣 Announcement!
📓 This week, I close a chapter. 📅 My last day at Parkview Health is this Thursday, October 26.
🎭 After more than ten years, I feel many mixed emotions.
🙏 However, my primary feeling is one of deep gratitude.
I have worked with some amazing people and had some great leaders (Ben Miles, Ann Lantz, and Curtis Smith to name a few).
🙏 I can't begin to list every opportunity I had while at Parkview, serving as the Director of Dignity and the Ethics Chairperson. All I can do is reflect. And be thankful.
When coworkers learned about my departure, many sent kind notes. Sifting through them last night, I discovered themes to their compliments. They were primarily thankful for my 1) Support, 2) Compassion, and 3) Calm approach.
Here's the kicker.
👥 Anyone can display these characteristics. I didn't need special talents or training to be supportive, kind, or calm.
📢 What's next? I will be speaking and writing more than ever.
#Burnoutawareness, #Medicalethics, and #Griefsupport are the topics I am passionate about, and I can't wait to raise awareness about each of these topics.
Thank you, Parkview.
"And in case I don't see you; good afternoon, good evening, and good night." -Truman Burbank 😆