What NOT to say to a griever (Tip #1)
What is the most common hurtful cliche said to people in grief? So famous that Kate Bowler wrote a book about it?
“Everything Happens for a Reason”
Now, I’ve said it before, too.
Don’t feel ashamed.
But put yourself in their shoes.
If a woman’s baby just died, how is she supposed to respond if you walk in, smile, and say “I know this is hard, but it’ll be okay. After all, everything happens for a reason”?
You are saying “There’s a good reason for your baby’s death.”
That belittles her sense of loss.
Even if you believe this, STOP saying it today!
In fact, you should say the opposite.
This doesn’t make any sense, I am so sorry.
I sure wish this hadn’t happened to you.
You don’t deserve this.
Stop saying Everything Happens for a Reason.
Some things are senseless and unREASONable.
And it’s okay to admit that, especially when you are talking with a person in grief.